Monday, February 25, 2008

i do like pavlova! promise!

hey sity, nah i didnt like pavlova before because once i had it and it still smelt eggy. i had a nice experience though afew weeks ago and it changed everything!
did u really make that? looks rustic and yum mmmmm.. btw wheres my layer cake(s) ? Ive got cravings for that like a pregnant woman :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maryam, I'll bring it for you the next time I see you InshyaAllah. However if you can't wait that long they sell them at your Oriental Grocery shop in rectangular boxes. A lot of Indo's usually just buy it for Eid cause they can't be bothered making it. Taste exactly the same. The brand starts with an "M". Just ask the dude or chick for a layer cake.